Kesatuan Express |
07:55 AM (07:55)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
08:20 AM (08:20)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
08:30 AM (08:30)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
09:30 AM (09:30)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
12:05 PM (12:05)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
06:40 PM (18:40)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
09:00 PM (21:00)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.
Kesatuan Express |
10:20 PM (22:20)
Seri Iskandar Bus Terminal
Terminal Meru Raya (Ipoh Amanjaya)
1+2, Executive, AC
Seri Iskandar
Aman Jaya
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers who will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Seri Iskandar Bus Station, 31750 Seri Iskandar, Perak
Terminal Meru Raya (Terminal Amanjaya) 31250 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia.