Bus from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi is one of the popular bus routes especially among the locals. Apart from its affordable price, taking bus from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi is also convenient for frequent travellers for this route. Besides that, one can always easily check bus schedule, compare price and book bus ticket online at their convenience.
Perdana Express, Mayang Sari Express, E-Mutiara and Adik Beradik Express are few bus companies that provide bus service from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi. The total trips available for bus from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi is around 8. The first bus from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi departs at 8:30 AM and the last bus departs at 8:30 PM. Bus schedule available for this route is limited so passengers are adviced to book their bus tickets and secure their seats in advance online.
The duration required for bus from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi usually takes about 11 hours 15 minutes. However, it still depends on the traffic condition, weather and travel season. Travel time can take longer during festive seasons such as Eid or Chinese New Year. Toilet break will be provided during the journey.
The bus fare from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi is charged reasonably from RM 58.00. Festive season or school holidays might cause the ticket price to increae a little bit depends on the bus operator. Passengers can take bus from Kota Bharu Bus Terminal and drop off in Kota Tinggi Bus Terminal.
Grab your bus ticket from Kota Bharu to Kota Tinggi now at BusOnlineTicket.com and travel comfortably without any hassle. We accept various type of payment method such as credit card, Alipay, GrabPay, PayPal and many more. All bookings with BusOnlineTicket.com are instantly confirmed upon payment is successful.