Kota Bharu to Nilai Bus Guide
Taking Kota Bharu to Nilai bus is one of the popular options for the passengers to travel between these two locations. Passengers mainly prefer to take the bus to Nilai from Kota Bharu due to its affordable price. You can check Kota Bharu to Nilai bus schedule easily and reserve your seats in advance online.
Bus Service Provider for Bus from Kota Bharu to Nilai
There are few bus companies providing bus from Kota Bharu to Nilai including Naza Express, Queen Express, E-Mutiara, Sani Express and Lienadia Express. There are in total up to 44 bus trips available for Kota Bharu to Nilai bus. The first bus from Kota Bharu to Nilai departs at 8:00 AM and the last bus departs at 8:50 PM. You can choose the travelling time that suits you best with the availability of frequent bus trips offered for this route.
Bus Trip Duration, Bus Fare and Notes
The duration required from Kota Bharu to Nilai takes about 9 hours 59 minutes. However, it still depends on the traffic condition, weather and travel season. Travel time can take longer during festive seasons such as Eid or Chinese New Year. Washroom break will be provided during the journey upon request from the bus driver.
Taking bus from Kota Bharu to Nilai costs around RM 45.00 to RM 65.00 depending on the coach type. Festive season or school holidays might cause the ticket price to increae a little bit depends on the bus operator. Passengers can take bus from Kota Bharu (Tesco) and drop off in Dataran Nilai .
You are advised to book your bus ticket from Kota Bharu to Nilai at BusOnlineTicket.com in advance to avoid disappointment. We accept various type of payment method such as credit card, Alipay, GrabPay, PayPal and many more. After the payment stage, you will receive booking confirmation almost instantly once we receive the payment.
Popular Bus from Kota Bharu
Popular Bus from Nilai
Popular Bus to Kota Bharu
Popular Bus to Nilai