KLIA to Genting Highlands Bus Tickets

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KLIA to Genting Highlands Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Aerobus 13:45 17:45 2 M T W T F S S  RM 35.00
Bus from KLIA to Genting Highlands
Cheapest PriceRM 35.00
Distance109 km
Est. Duration2 hrs 15 min
No. of Operator1 operators

Popular Bus Company from KLIA to Genting Highlands

KLIA to Genting Highlands Bus Guide

Taking KLIA to Genting Highlands bus is one of the popular options for the passengers to travel between these two locations. The availability of the bus service from KLIA to Genting Highlands offers convenience for the passengers travelling back and forth between this route. On top of that, passengers can easily check bus schedule and compare prices online so they can plan their trip in advance.

Bus Operator Available for Bus from KLIA to Genting Highlands

The bus services available to go from KLIA to Genting Highlands is run by Aerobus . They have up to 2 daily departures from KLIA to Genting Highlands. The earliest bus by Aerobus leaves at 1:45 PM while the latest bus leaves at 5:45 PM. Since the trip is limited for this route, we recommend you to plan your trip early and book your KLIA to Genting Highlands bus tickets in advance to secure your seats.

Trip Duration, Bus Ticket Price and Notes

The duration required from KLIA to Genting Highlands takes about 2 hours 30 minutes. However, it still depends on the traffic condition, weather and travel season. Travel time can take longer during festive seasons such as Eid or Chinese New Year. Washroom break will be provided during the journey upon request from the bus driver.

Taking bus from KLIA to Genting Highlands costs around RM 35.00 depending on the coach type. During festive seasons, the bus fare might increase slightly depends on the bus operator who provide the service. Bus from KLIA to Genting Highlands mainly departs from KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) and drop off passengers at Awana Genting Bus Terminal // Genting Highlands Premium Outlets Terminal.

BusOnlineTicket.com offers the most reliable and hassle-free online booking experience to our users. Our service is also available on BusOnlineTicket mobile app in which you can download for free on App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery. Booking confirmation email will be sent to you after you make your payment.

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