Changloon to Kota Bharu Bus Guide
Bus from Changloon to Kota Bharu is one of the popular bus routes especially among the locals. Passengers mainly prefer to take the bus to Kota Bharu from Changloon due to its affordable price. Besides that, one can always easily check bus schedule, compare price and book bus ticket online at their convenience.
Bus Service Provider for Bus from Changloon to Kota Bharu
Perdana Express, Queen Express, E-Mutiara, Sani Express and Pancaran Matahari Express are few popular bus companies that offer bus from Changloon to Kota Bharu. There are in total up to 11 bus trips available for Changloon to Kota Bharu bus. The first bus departs at 8:45 AM and the last bus departs at 9:00 PM. Frequent bus schedule offers more flexibility for the passengers to choose the travel time that suits them. Check bus schedule online at anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Duration, Bus Ticket Price and Notes
Bus from Changloon to Kota Bharu takes about 6 hours 45 minutes to reach its destination. Please note that travelling time also depends on the travelling season, road traffic and the weather condition. Washroom break will be provided during the journey upon request from the bus driver.
The bus fare from Changloon to Kota Bharu is charged reasonably from RM 42.90. During festive seasons, the bus fare might increase slightly depends on the bus operator who provide the service. The boarding point in Changloon is located at Changlun Bus Station. Meanwhile, the arrival point in Kota Bharu is located at Kota Bharu Bus Terminal.
Grab your bus ticket from Changloon to Kota Bharu now at and travel comfortably without any hassle. Download BusOnlineTicket mobile app for free on App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery to enjoy extra convenience. Once we received the payment, we will send you the booking confirmation via email and you are ready to board the bus!
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Popular Bus to Kota Bharu