
Swarna Bumi

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Note: This bus company has stop its operation permanently.

Express bus from Kuala Lumpur to Alor Setar

Swarna Bumi is an operator which located in Alor Setar. The operator is specializing in providing route that link Kuala Lumpur with different areas in Kedah including Jitra, Sungai Petani, Changloon and Alor Setar. Besides, route from Kuala Lumpur to Butterworth is also one of the major routes offered by the operator.

Swarna Bumi Bus Service & Reputation

Swarna Bumi is keen in ensuring the comfort and safeness of their customers during their ride with them. So, all the express buses are well-maintained and equipped with air-conditioning system, reclining seats and spacious legroom.

Apart from that, other than picking up and dropping down the traveler at TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan), the express bus also stops by Hentian Duta Bus Terminal, Kajang and Puchong, making it more convenient for the traveler to hop-on and hop-off the bus.

Swarna Bumi Contacts

Bus Operator Address
NK-3, Ukir Square,
Jalan Kuala Ketil,
Sungai Petani,
08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah.
Tel: 012-4316511

Book Swarna Bumi Express Bus Ticket Online

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