
Adam Express

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Adam Express Bus
Adam Express Bus Seats
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Express Bus between Kuala Terengganu and Tanjong Malim

Adam Express is operated by Meshah Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd. The company is based in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Adam Express is well-known in providing secure and comfortable express bus service for passengers travelling within Peninsular Malaysia.

Bus Services Offered by Adam Express

All the express buses deployed by Adam Express are single-deck with 30 capacity of seats. All the buses are fully air-conditioned, have reclining seats and spacious leg space to enable passengers to be seated comfortably during the journey.

Adam Express provides many express bus services such as bus from Kuala Terengganu to Tanjong Malim, Tanjong Malim to Kuala Terengganu and many more. The pick up point and drop off point in Tanjong Malim is located at Tanjong Malim Bus Terminal. Meanwhile, the pick up point and drop off point in Kuala Terengganu is located at Hentian Bus MBKT. Adam Express will also stop by at several other locations such as Bukit Beruntung and Rawang to drop off passengers on the way to Tanjong Malim. However, the bus fare will be different depends on your drop off point.

By joining, Adam Express now offers an online booking service for everyone to book your bus ticket online!

Adam Express Office Address

Meshah Travel and Tours Sdn Bhd
10116 Kampung Tualang Manir
21200 Kuala Terengganu,
Terengganu, Malaysia.
Phone: +6010 281 0789

Book Adam Express Bus Ticket Online

Adam Express bus ticket is available for online booking at You can also get Adam Express via BusOnlineTicket mobile apps which can be donwloaded for free in App Store, Google Play and Huawei AppGallery. Booking online is cost-saving and you get to avoid the long waiting hours at the terminal when you book in advance. Check bus schedule and book online today!

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