Penang to Kota Bharu Bus Tickets

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Penang to Kota Bharu Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
E-Mutiara 08:30 21:00 6 M T W T F S S  RM 41.70
Perdana Express 08:30 21:00 8 M T W T F S S  RM 41.50
Permata Utara Sdn Bhd 09:15 21:15 4 M T W T F S S  RM 41.00
Queen Express 09:00 21:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 55.00
Transnasional 09:00 21:30 12 M T W T F S S  RM 41.30
Bus from Penang to Kota Bharu
Cheapest PriceRM 41.00
Distance335 km
Est. Duration7 hrs 15 min
No. of Operator5 operators

Popular Bus Company from Penang to Kota Bharu

Penang to Kota Bharu Bus Guide

Bus from Penang to Kota Bharu

Bus from Penang to Kota Bharu is one of the tourist bus routes in Malaysia connecting Penang and Kota Bharu, which is the gateway to Perhentian Island. After spending their holiday in Penang attractions like Kek Lok Si Temple, wall painting by Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic, Unesco World Heritage Site The Streets of Georgetown, etc, some of the tourists proceed to Perhentian Island to enjoy white sand island surrounded by crystal clear water. Bus from Penang to Kota Bharu is the most convenient option.

Gateway to Perhentian Island – Kota Bharu

Arriving at Kota Bharu bus terminal by bus from Penang, there are taxi and minivan service to transfer customer to Kuala Besut jetty. Taxi to Kuala Besut jetty is at around RM 80.00/taxi/way. By minivan, the cost is at around RM 35.00/person/way.
Boat from Kuala Besut jetty to Perhentian Island takes about 30 minutes journey by fast boat. Fast boat from Kuala Besut to Perhentian Island is usually available throughout 9:00am to 5:00pm And in fact, Kuala Besut jetty does not have regular ferry time for departure. They leave to the island so long there are enough passengers.

Duration, Fare, Stops, and Notes

The bus fare for bus from Penang to Kota Bharu is at about RM 41.20, provided by Transnasional and Perdana Express. Transnasional is the largest and most reputable bus operator in Malaysia while Perdana Express are the recent well-managed emerging player. Their coaches run daily 9:00am and 9:00pm from Penang to Kota Bharu.

Duration for bus from Penang to Kota Bharu usually takes about 7 hours, depending on traffic condition. So by taking night bus at 9pm, passengers should expect to arrive at 4:00am at Kota Bharu Bus Terminal. Then transfer by taxi or minivan to Kuala Besut takes about 1 hour. Travellers are just on time to catch the first morning ferry to Perhentian Island. Coaches provide direct service from Penang to Kota Bharu with 1 washroom break provided along the journey.

Please note that all coaches are leaving from Penang Sungai Nibong Bus Terminal.

Taking bus from Penang to Kota Bharu is convenient, economical and comfortable. Now it is even more hassle-free by booking Penang to Kota Bharu bus ticket online at with instant confirmation. Due to limited bus schedule daily, book your Penang to Kota Bharu ticket online in advance to avoid disappointment for your trip from Penang to beautiful Perhentian Island.