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Kuala Lumpur to Taiping Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Golden Silk Holidays 10:00 22:15 4 M T W T F S S  RM 30.00
Konsortium Express 18:45 22:00 12 M T W T F S S  RM 32.00
KPB Ekspress 00:30 23:30 19 M T W T F S S  RM 35.00
Naik Selalu Ekspress 09:30 23:00 5 M T W T F S S  RM 43.00
Persada Travel and Tours (TBS) 11:40 22:45 6 M T W T F S S  RM 26.00
Starmart Express 09:00 23:59 78 M T W T F S S  RM 27.30
Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping
Cheapest PriceRM 26.00
Distance200 km
Est. Duration3 hrs 50 min
No. of Operator6 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping

Kuala Lumpur to Taiping Bus Guide

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping is the most economical way to get to Taiping. This bus route is popular for working adults and students in Kuala Lumpur with their hometown in Taiping.

Bus Vs Train for Kuala Lumpur to Taiping

Bus service for this route remains competitive in today context even with the stiff competition from ETS train service from KL Sentral to Taiping train station.

One of the main reason why passengers taking bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping is because of the frequent bus schedule as compared to train schedule. Besides that, ETS train is always sold out fast due to competition from passengers going to other destinations like Kuala Kangsar, Bagan Serai, Parit Bundar, Butterworth.

Hence, bus service remains as the popular option to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping.

Bus Operators Offering Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping

Konsortium Bus Express, StarMart Express and Transnasional are the few bus operators providing bus services from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping. Konsortium Bus Express is the dominant player for this route service by having more than 16 daily departures from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping.

The first bus service starts as early as morning 7.45am and the last bus leave the TBS bus terminal at night 11.59pm.

Fare, Duration, Stops, and Notes

The bus fare from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping is at about RM 27.00. Duration for bus from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping is usually takes about 4 hours, depending on traffic condition. At least 1 washroom break will be given during the journey.

There are 2 convenient boarding points in Kuala Lumpur for bus service to Taiping including TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan) and Hentian Duta. The arrival point in Taiping from Kuala Lumpur is located either at Medan Simpang or Kamunting Bus Terminal, depending on your selection of drop-off point.

With convenient online booking service and various choices of bus operators and departure points, this makes become one of the most popular online booking portal among its customers throughout these years. Hurry up and book your bus ticket before they sold out!