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Endau to Marang Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Adik Beradik Express 00:00 23:00 3 M T W T F S S  RM 35.80
Bus from Endau to Marang
Cheapest PriceRM 35.80
Distance350 km
Est. Duration-
No. of Operator1 operators

Popular Bus Company from Endau to Marang

Endau to Marang Bus Guide

Bus from Endau to Marang is one of the popular bus routes especially among the locals. The availability of the bus service from Endau to Marang offers convenience for the passengers travelling back and forth between this route. You can check Endau to Marang bus schedule easily and reserve your seats in advance online.

Bus Operator Available for Bus from Endau to Marang

Adik Beradik Express  is the bus service provider that offers bus service from Endau to Marang. Adik Beradik Express  has in total up to 3 daily departures from Endau to Marang. The earliest bus by E-Mutiara leaves at 10:00 AM while the latest bus leaves at 11:00 PM. Seats are limited so we advice you to book your tickets in advance before your start the trip.

Bus Trip Duration, Bus Fare and Notes

The travelling time required for bus from Endau to Marang depends on the traffic and weather condition. During festive seasons, the travelling time might take longer due to the heavy traffic on the road. However, taking the bus enables you to rest during the journey instead of facing the traffic with frustration and exhaustion. If the bus trip duration takes more than 2 hours, usually the bus will have at least one stop for washroom break or else they will directly go to their planned destination.

The bus fare from Endau to Marang is charged reasonably in a range of RM 35.80. Bus fare might increase slightly during festive seasons depending on the operator providing bus service from Endau to Marang. Passengers can take bus from Timotel Hotel Tg Gemok and drop off in Marang bus station.

You are advised to book your bus ticket from Endau to Marang at in advance to avoid disappointment.  We accept various type of payment method such as credit card, Alipay, GrabPay, PayPal and many more. After the payment stage, you will receive booking confirmation almost instantly once we receive the payment.

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