Stopped until further notice for your health and safety
Why spend more when you can SAVE EVEN MORE with Best Ooo Travel Deal and travel at cheaper rate! Plan your trip and enjoy 8% OFF on all bus ticket booking at BusOnlineTicket apps now!
Best Ooo Travel Deal
Bus Ticket – 8% OFF up to RM5 / SGD5
First 500 redemptions on app only
Promo Period
13-15 March 2020
Best Ooo Travel Discount Code
This discount code is only valid for App Booking only
Best Ooo Travel offer is valid for all bus routes and all bus operators.
Below are some of the top destinations available online:
- The promotion is applicable for any bus ticket bookings via BusOnlineTicket Mobile App only.
- The promotion is valid for booking on 13/3/2020 to 15/3/2020 only.
- The promotion entitles you to enjoy 8% discount of ticket price, or RM 5.00 or SGD 5.00 whichever lower.
- The discount code is limited up to first 500 redemption only.
- The promotion is not exchangeable for cash and any unutilized amount is strictly non-refundable.
- The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount, e-voucher or cashback from any party.
- The management of reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of this promotion without prior notice.