Melor Interline Bus Ticket from Malacca to KL

Affordable Bus Service from Malacca Only from RM8.80

Yes, you can now book Melor Interline online bus ticket for Malacca to KL bus at! With more than 20 departures from Melaka Sentral daily, you can choose from many schedules available that suits you best.

Melor Interline Express is one of the many popular bus operators providing bus service between Malacca and Kuala Lumpur. They are one of the customers’ favourite options because of its affordable ticket price ranging from RM8.80 to RM11.00.

Bus Service from Malacca to Kuala Lumpur

With its reasonable ticket price, Melor Interline offers an air-conditioned bus ride with 2+2 seater buses equipped with comfortable and spacious seats. The bus from Malacca to KL will pick you up at Melaka Sentral and drop you off at TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan).

TBS is a transportation hub in Kuala Lumpur that connects to various transportation modes such as train, taxi and local bus. Thus, you can get easy access to other transportation upon your arrival to get to your next destination.

Bus from Malacca to Kuala Lumpur is a very popular bus service in Malaysia. Malaysians and tourists from many other countries often travel between these two cities for various reasons such as work, studies and vacations. Therefore, the bus tickets for this route is usually sold out if you buy them last minute. So, plan your trip in advance and book online in advance now!

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