
Memory Syaerah Seremban

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Note: This bus company has stop its operation permanently.

Memory Syaerah - Seremban to Singapore, Penang and Hatyai

Memory Syaerah (CQ Tran Resources) is an agent company selling express bus tickets from Starmart Express, Super Nice Grassland Express, Era Mesra Express and Purnama Pelangi Express that all departs from Seremban.

Memory Syaerah Bus Service & Reputation

The company has been an established and reliable agent for these express bus operators and offers bus service from Seremban to Singapore, Johor Bahru, Seremban to Ipoh, Penang and Hatyai.

Memory Syaerah Seremban (CQ Tran Resources) Address:

Kaunter A, Terminal One,
Transport Centre, 70200,
Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Tel No: +606 7677 267
Fax No: N/A

Book Memory Syaerah Bus Ticket Online

By joining, CQ Tran Resources can now offer residents staying in Seremban an opportunity to book express bus tickets online. The ticket price from Seremban to Singapore costs around RM 45 and the ticket price from Seremban to Hat Yai costs around RM 65. Hurry and get your bus ticket through online booking now.

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