Mersing to Malacca Bus Schedule and Bus Fare
Bus Operator |
First Bus |
Last Bus |
No.of Trip |
Depart Day |
Fare From |
Cepat Express |
17:00 |
17:00 |
1 |
M T W T F S S |
RM 34.60 |
S&S International |
07:15 |
13:15 |
2 |
M T W T F S S |
RM 45.00 |
Bus from Mersing to Malacca
Cheapest Price | RM 34.60 |
Distance | 237 km |
Est. Duration | 4 hrs 20 min |
No. of Operator | 2 operators |
Popular Bus Company from Mersing to Malacca
Mersing to Malacca Bus Guide
Bus from Mersing to Malacca is the hassle-free way of discovering from Mersing to Malacca. Bus from Mersing to Melaka does not just serve locals Malaysian, but also serves numbers of tourist who wish to travel to a small and friendly city, Malacca after visiting Tioman Island.
Bus Operators Offers Bus from Mersing to Malacca
S&S International Express is the only bus operator offers bus service from Mersing to Malacca. S&S International Express is one of a well-known Malaysia bus company which provide well-maintained and reliable bus to ensure safety and comfortable ride to our customer.
The first bus service starts in the morning 7:15am. The following bus schedules are 1:15pm and 5:30pm.
Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes
The travel time required for bus from Mersing to Malacca takes approximately 4.5 hours. The arrival time may be changed depending on road traffic condition. Washroom break will be given during the journey because there is no toilet on board.
The bus ticket price from Mersing to Malacca is RM 24.10 for adult and RM 18.80 for child. The pick-up point in Mersing is located at Mersing Bus Terminal. The drop off point in Malacca is located conveniently at Melaka Sentral Bus Terminal. Passengers who wish to go to Malacca town area can take public bus and taxi from Melaka Sentral Bus Terminal.
Book your bus ticket from Mersing to Malacca online now at to secure your seat before travelling. Credit card, internet banking, Paypal and Alipay payment option are available for online payment at allows users to book bus ticket online and receive an instant confirmation after payment is made.