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Kuantan to Tanah Merah Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
E-Mutiara 10:00 10:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 35.10
Perdana Express 09:30 23:00 6 M T W T F S S  RM 35.00
Bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah
Cheapest PriceRM 35.00
Distance342 km
Est. Duration5 hrs 35 min
No. of Operator2 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuantan to Tanah Merah

Bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah

Bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah

Bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah is a simple way to get to Tanah Merah from Kuantan. Many locals rely on this bus service because taking a bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah is the most enjoyable and economical way of travelling, compared to driving. Please note that there is no direct train or flight service between Kuantan and Tanah Merah.

Bus Operators Who Offer Bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah

Perdana Express and Transnasional are the two popular bus operators offering bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah. Both operators are serving their passengers with luxury double deck VIP coaches. The spacious seats and large leg room in the coaches bring comfort to passengers taking long hours of journey by bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah.

Please note that this bus service is only available in the morning and night with no schedule in the afternoon.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The duration from Kuantan to Tanah Merah is about 5.5 hours, depending on the road traffic condition on the travelling day. Washroom break will be given along the highway. Passengers can request extra breaks from the bus driver during the journey.

The ticket price for bus from Kuantan to Tanah Merah is reasonably within the range of RM 34.60 to RM 35.00. The boarding point in Kuantan is located at Kuantan Sentral Bus Terminal. Meanwhile, the arrival point in Tanah Merah is located at Tanah Merah Bus Terminal.

Since it is quite a hassle to buy a ticket in advance at Kuantan Sentral, you are encouraged to book your bus ticket online in advance with in order to save your time. Before you book your bus ticket from Kuantan to Tanah Merah, you can check available trips, departure time and ticket price from All the bookings made through will be instantly confirmed once payment is received.