Kuantan to Jerteh Bus Tickets

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Kuantan to Jerteh Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Asia Express 23:00 23:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 45.00
E-Mutiara 09:30 23:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 35.10
Jengka X Express 11:15 22:30 2 M T W T F S S  RM 34.00
Perdana Express 09:30 23:00 8 M T W T F S S  RM 35.00
Sani Express 08:30 22:30 6 M T W T F S S  RM 30.00
Teraju Express 08:30 18:00 2 M T W T F S S  RM 35.10
Bus from Kuantan to Jerteh
Cheapest PriceRM 30.00
Distance295 km
Est. Duration4 hrs 30 min
No. of Operator6 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuantan to Jerteh

Kuantan to Jerteh Bus Guide

Kuantan to Jerteh Bus Guide

Bus from Kuantan to Jerteh is the most suitable mode of transportation to travel between the East Coast towns. Bus is the only available public transport where train or flight service is not available for this route. Therefore, travellers rely on this bus service to travel from Kuantan to Jerteh.

Bus Operators Who Offer Bus from Kuantan to Jerteh

Transnasional and Perdana Express are two bus service providers operating bus from Kuantan to Jerteh. Both bus operators are famous in providing quality bus services within Peninsular Malaysia. Transnasional is the government bus with consistent service throughout the years, while the latter is a strong brand which emerged in less than 10 years.

Their combined trips have a total of up to 12 daily departures from Kuantan to Jerteh. Both are great brands with the only major difference being the coach types deployed for the service. Transnasional is using single deck VIP coach while Perdana Express is operating with double deck VIP coach.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The duration from Kuantan to Jerteh takes about 4.5 hours, on average. The travelling time depends on road traffic and weather condition on the travelling day. Washroom break will be provided during the journey.

The ticket price for bus from Kuantan to Jerteh costs about RM 35.00. The pick-up point in Kuantan is located conveniently at Kuantan Sentral Bus Terminal. Upon arriving at Jerteh, the bus service will terminate at Jerteh Bus Terminal.

You can book your bus ticket online now from our official website BusOnlineTicket.com or via mobile app which can be downloaded for free in App Store or Google Play. All the bookings made through BusOnlineTicket.com will be instantly confirmed upon payment received. You can also earn BOT Miles to redeem your discount code through our loyalty program.