Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu Bus Tickets

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Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
E-Mutiara 20:00 20:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 47.20
Perdana Express 08:00 20:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 47.00
Queen Express 08:00 20:00 2 M T W T F S S  RM 60.00
Sani Express 08:00 20:00 2 M T W T F S S  RM 46.70
Bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu
Cheapest PriceRM 46.70
Distance397 km
Est. Duration6 hrs 30 min
No. of Operator4 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu

Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu Bus Guide

Bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu

Bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu is an important public transport connecting the two cities because there are lack of flight and train service. Besides local commuter, many tourists who have spent their vacation in Langkawi Island are taking this service to Kota Bharu for Perhentian Island.

Operators who Provide Bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu

Perdana Express and Transnasional are the two decent and reliable service providers offering bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu. They each provide 1 morning departure and 1 evening departure from Kuala Perlis Bus Terminal to Kota Bharu Bus Terminal. Kota Bharu Bus Terminal is located next to Tesco and new AEON Mall.

Both Perdana Express and Transnasional deploy VIP coach to operate this bus route. VIP coach serves the spacious seat with 3-seat-in-a-row seat layout. Thus passengers could have comfortable journey with them to Kota Bharu. Kindly note that the evening coach by Perdana Express is double deck VIP coach.

Duration, Bus Fare, Stopover and Note

The bus fare of Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu is reasonably charging at about RM 42.40.

The journey duration required for bus from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu takes about 8 hours depending on traffic condition. The coach will go by East-West Highway after passing Gerik (The highway is also known as Gerik-Jeli Highway). At least 1 stopover will be provided for passengers to stretch their body and for washroom break.

Due to limited daily service from Kuala Perlis to Kota Bharu, passengers are advised to booking online in advance with BusOnlineTicket.com to avoid disappointment. For festive season, passengers may need to book 1 month in advance to secure the seat.

BusOnlineTicket.com is an popular transport ticketing portal in Malaysia. They have emerged as the preferred consumer choice of online booking portal because of its excellent consistent service throughout these years.