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Butterworth to Teluk Intan Bus Guide

Bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan

Bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan is the most preferred way for locals to travel to Teluk Intan from Butterworth. That is because bus is the one and only public transportation to travel from Butterworth to Teluk Intan. There is no flight and train service available between the two places.

Bus Operator Who Offers Bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan

Transnasional is the one and only bus operator offering bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan. Transnasional provide up to 2 daily trips to Butterworth from Teluk Intan. The earliest bus goes at 11:00am in the morning while the last bus will leave the terminal at 2:00pm. Therefore, passengers are advised to book ticket online in advance to avoid disappointment

Transnasional is government backed bus operator. Thus most passengers feel that the service is reliable and punctual.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The duration required for bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan takes approximately 4 hours. The arrival time to travel to Teluk Intan from Butterworth is depending on the road traffic and weather condition. At least one stopover will be given for toilet break during the journey.

The ticket price for bus from Butterworth to Teluk Intan is costing reasonably at RM 23.70 per way. The bus will pick up all the passengers at Penang Sentral Bus Terminal. Upon arriving at Teluk Intan, the bus driver will let the passengers alight at Teluk Intan Bus Terminal. is the ticketing portal which offers online booking service with instant confirmation. Everyone now can book your bus ticket from Butterworth to Teluk Intan at to skip the queue at the ticketing counter. You can also download our user-friendly BOT mobile app at App Store or Google Playstore for free to book your bus ticket at your fingertip.