Butterworth to Seremban Bus Schedule and Bus Fare
Bus from Butterworth to Seremban
Cheapest Price | RM 0.00 |
Distance | 413 km |
Est. Duration | 5 hrs 50 min |
No. of Operator | 14 operators |
Popular Bus Company from Butterworth to Seremban
Butterworth to Seremban Bus Guide
Bus from Butterworth to Seremban
Bus from Butterworth to Seremban is one of the local favourite modes of transportation to travel between the two cities. Even with the strong competition with ETS train service, bus service remains highly competitive in terms of cheaper ticket price and flexible departure time.
Bus Service Providers from Butterworth to Seremban
Intercity Coach, Jasmine Express, Kejora Express, KKKL Express and Supernice Grasssland are the bus operators providing bus from Butterworth to Seremban.
Jasmine Express, with its headquarter in Butterworth, providing the most frequent schedule from Butterworth to Seremban as compared to other bus operators.
Their combined trips from Butterworth to Seremban have total up to 21 daily departures. The earliest bus goes at 12:15am while the last bus leaves at 11:59pm. In between, there are numbers of bus service from Butterworth to Seremban.
Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes
The travel time required for bus from Butterworth to Seremban takes about 6 hours. The arrival time is depending on the road traffic and weather condition on the travelling day. All the passengers will be given at least one washroom break along the journey.
The boarding point in Butterworth is located at newly launched Penang Sentral Bus Terminal. Upon arriving in Seremban, the bus service will terminate at Seremban Bus Terminal One. From there, passengers could take train, taxi or public bus to their next destination.
The bus ticket price is varying in a range between RM42.00 to RM48.00, depending on your selection of bus operator.
Booking your bus ticket from Butterworth to Seremban with BusOnlineTicket.com has never been easier. You can earn BOT Miles by making booking on BusOnlineTicket.com or our BOT mobile app which can be downloaded for free in App Store and Google Playstore. We accept various type of payment method such as credit card, internet banking, Paypal, Alipay etc.