KLIA2 Bus Guide and Bus Information
If you landed in KLIA2 wondering how to travel to city, there are many methods.
Bus, Train, taxi and personal drivers.
If you are planning to take bus from KLIA2 to cities in Malaysia, you will find this KLIA2 bus guide useful with all the KLIA2 bus information you need. When you arrive at KLIA2, you will find yourself at "L2".
If you are planning to travel to major cities within Malaysia from KLIA2 by bus or taxi,
you can proceed to the lowest floor which is the “L1” shown in the picture below.
You will find yourself near “KK Mart” and “House of Mini” outlets that are side by side.
You will also see a row of bus and taxi counters.
You can approach any one of the bus counters to inquire further information and use the monitor at the counter to book your bus ticket shown as below.
If you are traveling with taxi, you can approach the taxi counters, which is right next to the bus counters.
The taxi area will be directly opposite the area where buses usually gather.
After buying the bus ticket, you can walk around upstairs or you can use wait here at this huge waiting area until the departure time.
When it is time for the bus depart, go outside where the buses are lining up. Look for the bus according to the ticket you brought from the counter. Simply refer to the numbers written on the ticket. The photo below (A8) is an example.
After that, you just sit back and relax.
Finally, a friendly reminder. If you find yourself being lost at the terminal, you can easily determine your location by referring to a kiosk or the information counter to know where you are.
Summary of Guide from KLIA2 to Cities in Malaysia by Bus
To KL city
Bus from KLIA2 to China town (Petaling Street)
You can take Star Shuttle Express
Bus from KLIA2 to KL Sentral
You can take Aerobus or Skybus
Bus from KLIA2 to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS)
You can take Jetbus
To other locations (Not KL)
To Malacca (Melaka)
You can take Transnational
To Johor Bahru (JB)
You can take Yoyo express
To Ipoh
You can take Star Shuttle Express , Yoyo express or Transnational
If is to Setiawan or Telok Intan
You can take Star Shuttle Express
To Taiping
You can take Yoyo express