
Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays

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Golden Highlands Adventure

Cameron Highlands, Taman Negara and Perhentian Island

Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Sdn Bhd is a company that provides transfer service in Cameron Highlands. The most popular transfer services that Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Sdn Bhd offered is between Cameron Highlands and Taman Negara. The other transfer service provided by Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Sdn Bhd is between Cameron Highlands and Perhentian Island.

Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Express Bus Service & Reputation

Cameron Highlands, Taman Negara and Perhentian Island are well-known tourist spots in Malaysia. In order to serve passenger better, Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Sdn Bhd provides few types of transportation : Express Bus and Private Van. Their transfer services to Cameron Highlands, Taman Negara and Perhentian Island throughout these years has built up good reputation among locals and tourists.

Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Express Bus Schedule and Tickets

Please Note: Changes to fares and time schedules are at the discretion of the bus/coach operators.

Cameron Highlands Taman Negara RM 65.00 8:00 AM
Cameron Highlands Perhentian Island RM 125.00 8:45 AM Inclusive Perhentian ferry ticket to Perhentian Island (per way)
Taman Negara Cameron Highlands RM 65.00 2:00 PM
Perhentian Island Cameron Highlands RM 125.00 2:00 PM Inclusive Perhentian ferry ticket to Perhentian Island (per way)

Golden Highlands Adventure Holidays Sdn Bhd

Cameron Highlands Branch
No. 2, Tingkat 1, Terminal Freesia,
Tanah Rata, 39000 Cameron Highlands, Pahang.
Phone: 05-4912636 / 019-5656383
Operation Hours: 11:00 AM – 09:00 PM

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