Segamat to Kuala Lumpur Bus Tickets

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Segamat to Kuala Lumpur Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Cepat Express 21:00 21:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 18.40
KKKL Express (Terus Nanti) 08:00 21:00 13 M T W T F S S  RM 21.00
Bus from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur
Cheapest PriceRM 18.40
Distance207 km
Est. Duration4 hrs 00 min
No. of Operator2 operators

Popular Bus Company from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur

Segamat to Kuala Lumpur Bus Guide

Bus from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur

Bus from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur remain as the most convenient mode of transport for resident in Segamat who are working and studying in Kuala Lumpur.

Bus vs Train from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur

Most of the passengers prefer bus over train because train from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur is non-direct train service. Passengers would have to travel to Gemas by taking transfer train to KL Sentral.

Besides that, the non ETS part of train service from Segamat to Gemas would be slower. This results in longer journey duration for train from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur.

Bus Operators, Duration, Fare, Stops, and Notes

KKKL Express and Cepat Express are few operators offering bus service from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur. Their combined trips have more than 20 daily departures from morning 8:00am until evening 9:00pm.

The fare for bus from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur is priced in the range of RM 18.40 to RM 21.00 depending on your selection of bus operator. The travel duration required for bus from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur takes about 4 hours, depending on the traffic and weather conditions on the travelling day.

One washroom break will be given during the bus journey. All the buses will depart from Segamat Bus Terminal. The bus arriving in Kuala Lumpur would terminate at Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS). Passengers arriving at TBS could proceed to any part of Kuala Lumpur by taking city bus, KTM, monorail or taxi from TBS.

Instead of getting non- direct train service from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur, taking direct bus is the most hassle-free way to travel from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur. Book your bus ticket from Segamat to Kuala Lumpur with the now or via mobile app which can be downloaded for free on App Store of Google Play. Passengers are advised to book bus ticket online with in advance especially during peak season.