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Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
E-Mutiara 22:00 22:00 1 M T W T F S S  RM 47.30
Lienadia Express 10:00 22:00 3 M T W T F S S  RM 47.20
Perdana Express 10:00 22:00 4 M T W T F S S  RM 47.00
Queen Express 21:40 21:40 1 M T W T F S S  RM 47.50
Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor
Cheapest PriceRM 47.00
Distance450 km
Est. Duration9 hrs 15 min
No. of Operator4 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor

Bus from KL to Pengkalan Kubor

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor is the most preferred mode of transport to travel between the two cities. There are no flight and train services available between the two places. Therefore, this direct bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor is very important for those who are working and studying in Kuala Lumpur with their hometown in Pengkalan Kubor.

Bus Operators Who Offer Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor

Maraliner, Perdana Express, and Queen Express are the few bus companies providing bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor. Their combined trips have a total of 7 daily departures from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor. These are the bus operators specializing in bus services in East Coast Malaysia. They are very popular for providing excellent quality of bus services within East Coast Malaysia.

The first bus service starts as early as 9:45am. The following bus schedules are 9:30pm, 9:40pm, 9:45pm, 10:00pm and 10:45pm. Please note that there is no bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor during afternoon session.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The travelling time for bus from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor takes about 9.5 hours depending on the road traffic condition. Washroom break will be given along the highway. Additional breaks will be given upon request to the bus driver during the journey.

The bus ticket price from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor is reasonably priced in the range of RM 46.00 to RM 47.00, depending on the selection of the bus operators. The boarding point in Kuala Lumpur is located at Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS). Meanwhile, the arrival point in Pengkalan Kubor is located at Pengkalan Kubor Bus Station.

All passengers are advised to book your bus tickets from Kuala Lumpur to Pengkalan Kubor in advance at to avoid any disappointment. All bookings made through will be instantly confirmed. You will receive a booking confirmation email upon payment received.