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Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Maraliner 10:00 20:00 2 M T W T F S S  RM 29.70
Sanwa Express 05:00 23:30 9 M T W T F S S  RM 33.00
Transnasional 09:00 23:30 4 M T W T F S S  RM 33.30
Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin
Cheapest PriceRM 29.70
Distance287 km
Est. Duration5 hrs 5 min
No. of Operator3 operators

Popular Bus Company from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin

Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin Bus Guide

Bus from KL to Kuala Rompin

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin is the preferred mode of transportation service connecting Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin. With the lack of flight and train services, bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin becomes the only choice of public transport for commuters. This bus service is very important for the locals especially working adults and students who travel back and forth from the city to their hometown.

Bus Operators Who Provide Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin

Sanwa Express, Sepakat Liner Express and Transnasional are few bus companies offering bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin. Their combined trips have up to 13 departures daily to Kuala Rompin from Kuala Lumpur, starting from 5:00am to 11:45pm.

Among these operators, Transnasional is the largest operator in this route with a total of up to 6 daily departures. Both Transnasional and Sepakat Liner are operating the service with VIP coaches while Sanwa Express is serving the route with 40-seater standard coaches.

Duration, Fare, Schedule and Note

The duration from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin takes about 5 hours depending on the road traffic condition. Washroom break will be given during the journey. All the buses deployed by Sanwa Express, Sepakat Liner Express and Transnasional are equipped with air-conditioners and reclining seats to ensure all the passengers can have a comfortable bus journey from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin.

The bus fare from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin is from RM 31.60 to RM 38.30 depending on your choice of bus operator. The pick-up point in Kuala Lumpur is located at Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) while the drop off point in Kuala Rompin is located at Kuala Rompin Bus Terminal.

You can book bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Rompin through the most reliable and secure online booking portal at You will receive instant confirmation upon successful payment. You can now enjoy a hassle-free bus ticket booking experience with!