Kuala Lumpur to Kampar Bus Schedule and Bus Fare
Bus Operator |
First Bus |
Last Bus |
No.of Trip |
Depart Day |
Fare From |
Edaran Express |
10:00 |
20:30 |
4 |
M T W T F S S |
RM 20.00 |
LA Holidays |
14:30 |
23:59 |
2 |
M T W T F S S |
RM 30.00 |
Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar
Cheapest Price | RM 20.00 |
Distance | 179 km |
Est. Duration | 3 hrs 10 min |
No. of Operator | 2 operators |
Popular Bus Company from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar
Kuala Lumpur to Kampar Bus Guide
Bus from KL to Kampar has limited daily departures from Kuala Lumpur TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan). That is because there are only 2 players who supply the service. Edaran Express and Perak Transit are the only two players who run bus from KL to Kampar.
Train vs Bus (From KL to Kampar)
Since the launching of the KTM ETS train from KL to Kampar, many commuters opt to go Kampar from KL by ETS train. However, even with 16 train departures, commuters may find it difficult to get a train ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar. Commuters going to Kampar need to compete fiercely, especially during weekend and festive season, with other computers going to Batu Gajah, Ipoh and Butterworth for a train ticket.
Thus, because of this reason, many still travel with bus from KL to Kampar. Bus service remain as the important option to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar.
Duration, Fare, and Arrival Point)
Duration for bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kampar takes about 3 hours. It is direct coach from KL to Kampar without stopover, unless washroom break is requested by passengers. The bus fare for bus from KL to Kampar costs at RM 16.00.
All coaches from KL to Kampar would terminate at Kampar Bus Terminal. This station is right at the heart of Kampar old town. Kindly note that for those going to Tunku Abdul Rahman University, you are required to travel by taxi or bus to Kampar new town. Kampar new town is about 10-15 minutes away from Kampar Bus Terminal.
Besides Kampar locals, students in Tunku Abdul Rahman University and their family travel frequently between KL and Kampar. Hence, demand for the bus service between Kuala Lumpur and Kampar are strong. Commuters are advised to book their bus ticket online with BusOnlineTicket.com in advance to avoid disappointment.