Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat Bus Tickets

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There are several bus terminals in Johor Bahru. Please note that the main bus terminal is the Larkin Bus Terminal, also known as JB Larkin Sentral.

Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
KKKL Express (Terus Nanti) 07:30 20:30 10 M T W T F S S  RM 15.00
S&S International 08:15 18:20 6 M T W T F S S  RM 17.00
Bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat
Cheapest PriceRM 15.00
Distance120 km
Est. Duration2 hr 17 min
No. of Operator2 operators

Popular Bus Company from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat

Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat Bus Guide

Bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat

Bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat is one of the hot selling routes in Johor Bahru Larkin bus terminal. Because there is no bus from Singapore to Batu Pahat, Johor Bahru departure to Batu Pahat becomes the only choice to passengers.

Coach Operators, Duration, Fare, Notes

Causeway Link and KKKL Express are the two always dependable coach companies providing bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat. The journey duration is about 1.5 hours. Coach travels direct and non-stop from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat. All coaches terminate at Batu Pahat bus terminal. The bus fare for bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat is in the range of RM 11.00 – RM 12.00.

Friday evening and Saturday morning are the travelling peak period for bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat. This is because thousands of Batu Pahat people, especially younger adult, work in Singapore and then they take bus from Johor Bahru back to Batu Pahat to meet family during weekend. Sunday evening time is peak period for the other direction, bus from Batu Pahat to Johor Bahru, because many of them rush back to Singapore for Monday work.

Bus from Batu Pahat to Singapore by Causeway Link

For Causeway Link, the bus from Batu Pahat to Johor Bahru does not only stop at Larkin bus terminal for passenger drop off, it will also continue the service to Singapore. Therefore, passengers who like to go back to Singapore could take Causeway Link bus from Batu Pahat to Singapore, terminating at Jurong East IMM mall. The nearest MRT station to IMM mall is Jurong East MRT station. Please note the bus fare is higher for bus from Batu Pahat to Singapore, selling at RM 13.50.

With thousands of working adults going to Larkin bus terminal from Singapore to take bus from Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat on Friday evening and Saturday morning, one should book Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat Bus Ticket at to avoid disappointment or long waiting time at Larkin bus terminal. Booking your Johor Bahru to Batu Pahat Bus Ticket online at is not just hassle-free, but also helps you to avoid those soliciting agents in Larkin bus terminal.