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Ipoh to Kuantan Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
Kesatuan Express 10:15 23:30 12 M T W T F S S  RM 44.00
Maraliner 14:30 14:30 1 M T W T F S S  RM 43.20
Super Nice Express 11:15 23:45 8 M T W T F S S  RM 50.00
Bus from Ipoh to Kuantan
Cheapest PriceRM 43.20
Distance439 km
Est. Duration6 hr 4 min
No. of Operator3 operators

Popular Bus Company from Ipoh to Kuantan

Ipoh to Kuantan Bus Guide

Bus from Ipoh to Kuantan

Bus from Ipoh to Kuantan is the preferred choice of passengers because there is no train or flight service available in this route service. The direct bus service is very important for working adults or students who have their hometown in Kuantan. Moreover, many locals like to travel to Kuantan for vacation because Kuantan is famous for its beaches along its coastline.

Bus Service Providers Who Serve Bus from Ipoh to Kuantan

Utama Express and Kesatuan Express are two bus operators offering bus from Ipoh to Kuantan. Kesatuan Express offers 2 daily trips, while Utama Express has only 1 daily trip. Both operators deploy VIP coach to serve the passengers. VIP coach's spacious seating layout provides comfortable journey to passenger during the long hour trip.

The earliest bus goes at 10:15am. The following bus schedule is 8:30pm. Please note that there is no bus service during afternoon session.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The travel time from Ipoh to Kuantan takes about 7 hours depending on the weather and road traffic condition. At least one stopover will be given for washroom break and buy some snacks. Additional break will be given upon request from the bus driver during the journey.

The bus ticket from Ipoh to Kuantan is reasonably charge at RM 44.00. The boarding point for bus going to Kuantan from Ipoh is located at Aman Jaya Bus Terminal. Aman Jaya Bus Terminal is easily access by taking public bus or taxi from Ipoh city to the bus terminal. The arrival point in Kuantan is located at Kuantan Sentral Bus Terminal.

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