Arwana Express |
10:20 AM (10:20)
Hentian Duta Bus Terminal
Batu Gajah Bus Station
Hentian Duta
Batu Gajah
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard for all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. All customers must print out the confirmation email to check in, or else the counter will charge RM1.00 per ticket for printing at the counter upon check in. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Hentian Duta. Blok A, Mezzanine Floor Bangunan Hentian Duta Jalan, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (The terminal will charge RM 1.00/pax for Boarding + Facilities fee)
(Emergency Contact Number: 016-2072103)
Batu Gajah Bus Station, Jalan Gopeng, 30200 Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia (Emergency Contact Number: 05-6834976)
Arwana Express |
03:20 PM (15:20)
Hentian Duta Bus Terminal
Batu Gajah Bus Station
Hentian Duta
Batu Gajah
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard for all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. All customers must print out the confirmation email to check in, or else the counter will charge RM1.00 per ticket for printing at the counter upon check in. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Hentian Duta. Blok A, Mezzanine Floor Bangunan Hentian Duta Jalan, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (The terminal will charge RM 1.00/pax for Boarding + Facilities fee)
(Emergency Contact Number: 016-2072103)
Batu Gajah Bus Station, Jalan Gopeng, 30200 Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia (Emergency Contact Number: 05-6834976)
Arwana Express |
04:20 PM (16:20)
Hentian Duta Bus Terminal
Batu Gajah Bus Station
Hentian Duta
Batu Gajah
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard for all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. All customers must print out the confirmation email to check in, or else the counter will charge RM1.00 per ticket for printing at the counter upon check in. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Hentian Duta. Blok A, Mezzanine Floor Bangunan Hentian Duta Jalan, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (The terminal will charge RM 1.00/pax for Boarding + Facilities fee)
(Emergency Contact Number: 016-2072103)
Batu Gajah Bus Station, Jalan Gopeng, 30200 Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia (Emergency Contact Number: 05-6834976)
Arwana Express |
09:50 PM (21:50)
Hentian Duta Bus Terminal
Batu Gajah Bus Station
Hentian Duta
Batu Gajah
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is mandatory to wear a mask onboard for all buses, trains and ferries. Passengers will be denied entry if they do not wear masks. All customers must print out the confirmation email to check in, or else the counter will charge RM1.00 per ticket for printing at the counter upon check in. Please ensure you follow travel guidelines prescribed by the government.
Hentian Duta. Blok A, Mezzanine Floor Bangunan Hentian Duta Jalan, Persiaran Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (The terminal will charge RM 1.00/pax for Boarding + Facilities fee)
(Emergency Contact Number: 016-2072103)
Batu Gajah Bus Station, Jalan Gopeng, 30200 Batu Gajah, Perak, Malaysia (Emergency Contact Number: 05-6834976)