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Butterworth to Cameron Highlands Bus Schedule and Bus Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus No.of Trip Depart Day Fare From
C.S Travel & Tours 09:30 14:30 2 M T W T F S S  RM 32.00
Unititi Express 13:15 13:15 1 M T W T F S S  RM 32.00
Bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands
Cheapest PriceRM 32.00
Distance236 km
Est. Duration-
No. of Operator2 operators

Popular Bus Company from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands

Butterworth to Cameron Highlands Bus Guide

Bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands

Bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands is the most effective and convenient transport to travel between the two places. Cameron Highlands is one of the popular must-visit destinations for local people to have a cool getaway from the heat of the lowlands.

Bus Operator Who Offers Bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands

Unititi Express is the only bus company offering bus service from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands. There is only 1 daily trip offered by Unititi Express. The departure time for the bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highland is 2:00pm. Unititi Express with its headquarter based in Cameron Highlands is the express bus specialist for services to Cameron Highlands.

Duration, Fare, Stops and Notes

The travelling time required from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands is about 5 hours. The arrival time from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands is depending on the road traffic and weather condition on the travelling day. Passengers with motion sickness are advised to bring along tablet because of the winding road to Cameron Highlands. At least one washroom break will be given during the journey.

The bus ticket price from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands is costing at price RM 32.00. The boarding point in Butterworth is located at Penang Sentral Bus Terminal. Travellers spending vacation in Penang could take ferry to Butterworth Penang Sentral for this bus service to Cameron Highlands.

Meanwhile, the arrival point in Cameron Highlands is located at Tanah Rata Bus Terminal. From there, passengers could take taxi go to their hotel or other famous tourist spots in Cameron Highlands such as BOH tea plantation, Mossy Forest, Strawberry Farm and many more.

Due to limited schedule and available seat for bus from Butterworth to Cameron Highlands, everyone is encouraged to book bus ticket online in advance to secure your seat before you go on a journey. Instant booking confirmation will be sent to your email once the payment is received.