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Ferry from JB to Batam

Quick Information
Route :  Johor Bahru to Batam
Service :  Citra Indomas
Jetty :  Berjaya Waterfront Johor Bahru
Trip :  15 trips daily
Fares :  Adult - RM69 each way
 Children - RM47 each way

Johor Ferry to Batam with

For the ferry service of the route from Johor (Berjaya Waterfront Johor Bahru) to Batam (Batam Centre Ferry Terminal), it is currently only covered by Citra Indomas on The company had started to penetrate the ferry transportation agent market since year 1999. In the effort of bringing an enjoyable trip to the passengers, Citra Indomas is always working hard to bring comfort to the passengers along the journey.

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Duration, Departure Time & the Ticket Price for Ferry from JB to Batam

It will take around 90 minutes for the ferry to travel from Berjaya Waterfront in Stulang to Batam Island. However, the weather and tidal conditions might cause the trip to take longer to arrive.

Citra Indomas is providing as much as 15 trips from Stulang Laut to Batam per day. From 7:15 AM to 3:30 PM, ferry will depart once every 45 minutes. After that, ferry will depart every one hour starting from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM (Malaysia Time Zone).

The ticket price costs from RM69 and RM47 for adult and children, respectively.

Pick up and Drop-off Point

For the ferry from Johor to Batam, the pickup point is located at Berjaya Waterfront, Stulang Laut, Johor Bahru which is initially called The Zon Johor Bahru. Other than acting as the international departure point, it is also a duty-free shopping mall and linked with the Berjaya Waterfront Hotel. To travel from JB Sentral or the Johor Bahru Customs, Immigration, and Quarantine Complex (CIQ), it will only take about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, the drop-off point in Batam will be at Batam Centre Ferry Terminal. The terminal is connected to the Mega Mall Batam Centre which is a shopping mall. Hence, the visitors can easily spend their time shopping and enjoying the local cuisines. Apart from that, the location of the terminal is in the central of Batam city. So, for the visitors who wish to travel to Hang Nadim International Airport which is the Batam International Airport by car, it will involve a duration of 20-25 minutes.

Customs and Immigration

Visitors will need to go through the customs and immigration in both Indonesia and Malaysia as this is an international route. Therefore, we encourage for the passengers to arrive at the departure terminal and check in at the counter at least 1.5 hours before the departure time. This is to ensure that passengers will have enough time for the check in and the customs and immigration processes.

Other than that, Visa will be needed to enter Indonesia for citizens from some countries. Hence, kindly prepare the relevant documents required to make sure your journey is smooth on your travelling day.