Guide from KLIA2 to Cities in Malaysia by Taxi

KLIA2 Taxi Information

If you landed in KLIA2 wondering how to travel to city, there are many methods.
Bus, Train, taxi and personal drivers.

If you are planning to take taxi from KLIA2 to cities in Malaysia, you will find this article useful with all the KLIA2 taxi information you need. When you arrive at KLIA2, you will find yourself at “L2”.

If you are planning to travel to major cities within Malaysia from KLIA2 by bus or taxi,
You can proceed to the lowest floor which is the “L1” shown in the picture below.


Then, you will find yourself near “KK Mart” and “House of Mini” outlets side by side.

KK mart

You will also see a row of bus and taxi counters.

ticket counters

Just approach one of the taxi counters, right next the bus counters.

After buying the taxi ticket, you can walk around upstairs or you can go directly to the taxi area which is the opposite of the area where buses usually gather.

taxi area

Waiting area

Or if you want to plan everything ahead, you can even choose to hire a taxi earlier. Below are few platforms to do so:-


Sunlight Taxi

Blue Cab


Finally, a friendly tip. If you find yourself being lost in that huge terminal, you can easily determine your location by referring to a kiosk or the information counter to know where you are.

Info kiosk

info counter