Super Saver! LA Holidays Offers RM 3 Bus Ticket Between Johor Bahru and Kuantan

LA Holidays offer RM3 bus tickets for bus between Johor Bahru and Kuantan/UMP Gambang

Hey everyone, it’s time to enjoy Super Saver with BusOnlineTicket!, exclusively partnered with LA Holidays is excited to offer RM3 bus ticket for bus from Johor Bahru to Kuantan and UMP Gambang and the return trip from Kuantan and UMP Gambang to Johor Bahru at! The normal ticket fare is RM 33 per way but now you can save up to RM 30 per ticket!

How To Enjoy This Offer?

All you have to do is just sign up on the campaign registration form to get the discount code. Once you got the discount code, you can redeem your RM3 bus ticket starting from today until 24 October 2019. Remember, only those with the discount code can enjoy this promotion and limited seats are available. So, sign up now and get yours today!

Promotion Period : Until 24 October 2019