Genting Highlands to Malacca Bus Guide
Bus from Genting Highlands to Malacca is one of the popular bus routes especially among the locals. Apart from its affordable price, taking bus from Genting Highlands to Malacca is also convenient for frequent travellers for this route. Besides that, one can always easily check bus schedule, compare price and book bus ticket online at their convenience.
Bus Operator Offering Bus from Genting Highlands to Malacca
707 Inc is the bus service provider that offers bus service from Genting Highlands to Malacca. 707 Inc has in total up to 7 daily departures from Genting Highlands to Malacca. The earliest bus by 707 Inc leaves at 11:00 AM while the latest bus leaves at 3:45 PM. Seats are limited so we advice you to book your tickets in advance before your start the trip.
Duration, Bus Ticket Price and Notes
Bus from Genting Highlands to Malacca takes up to 3 hours 45 minutes to get to its destination. Please note that travelling time also depends on the travelling season, road traffic and the weather condition. Washroom break will be provided during the journey upon request from the bus driver.
The bus fare from Genting Highlands to Malacca is charged reasonably in a range of RM 55.00. Please note that the bus ticket price could be slightly more expensive during festive seasons depending on the operator providing this bus service. The boarding point in Genting Highlands is located at First World Hotel. Meanwhile, the arrival point in Malacca is located at 707 @ Hub 28. offers the most reliable and hassle-free online booking experience to our users. Various payment options are available on our portal such as credit card, online banking, Alipay, e-Wallet and PayPal. Booking confirmation email will be sent to you after you make your payment.
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Popular Bus from Malacca
Popular Bus to Genting Highlands
Popular Bus to Malacca