Bus from KL to Taman Negara

Bus from KL to Taman Negara

Bus from KL to Taman Negara is only transportation option to travel from KL to Taman Negara located at Kuala Tahan. Bus from KL to Taman Negara has two portions of journey. The first portion is about 5.5 hours bus service from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Tembeling and second portion is about 3 hours boat service from Kuala tembeling to Taman Negara. Taman Negara is a paradise for natural lovers. Every year thousands of visitors go to Taman Negara for exploring the nature during the mid-year non monsoon period.

Bus Operators, Duration, Fare and Stops


Hans Travel and NKS are the only two famous brands serving bus from KL to Taman Negara. They provide daily departure from KL to Taman Negara. Both operators’ departure points are in Kuala Lumpur Jalan Sultan at Chinatown. Hans Travel departs from Kompleks Selangor, Jalan Sultan, whereas NKS departs from Hotel Mandarin Pacific, Jalan Sultan.

The estimated journey breakdown as follows. Total duration of the journey is about 8.5 hours.

8.30 AM
Depart from Kuala Lumpur to Jerantut, and then transfer another vehicle to Kuala Tembeling Jetty

1.30 PM
Estimated Time Arrival in Kuala Tembeling Jetty
Boat leaves from Kuala Tembeling Jetty to Kuala Tahan (Taman Negara)

5.00 PM
Estimated Time Arrival at Kuala Tahan Jetty (Taman Negara)

The fare for both bus and boat inclusive service is around RM80, depending on the operator choice. Usually passengers will buy return service from KL to Taman Negara and Taman Negara to KL.

BusOnlineTicket.com accepts offline payment option at 7-Eleven (limited to Klang Valley only though) on top of the standard credit card online payment. This is particularly convenient for those who would like to book KL to Taman Negara Bus Ticket online but without credit card and internet banking. Passenger can book KL to Taman Negara Bus Ticket online in BusOnlineTicket.com to secure your seat for bus from KL to Taman Negara first before making payment by cash within 24 hours in any Klang Valley 7-Eleven outlets.

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